by Barry Mastellone

It has been a long, three years to get to the final stages. The Bel Air made it to its first VCCA show, Funday Monday, last September.
This is the story of my 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air. And most of the story has its roots in many aspects of the VCCA. In fact, without the VCCA, I would probably not be writing this at all.
It started three years ago; I decided that when I reached 70, a time when I would have to withdraw from my Tax Deferred Annuity, that I would use those funds to purchase a classic car. My potential choices were three, but only one was a car that I myself, and not my Dad, owned: a 1960, 4 door, Bel Air sedan. Then I figured, why wait until 70? Let’s start the search now, and by the time I get to 70 I would be out and driving. How prophetic that turned out to be!
My next decision was to find a local Chevrolet Club to help me on my journey. The Queens Region VCCA was the logical choice, and I began to attend meetings, listening to advice and ignoring a lot more. Feeling somewhat confident, I looked on Ebay and thought I found what I wanted. I exchanged emails and phone calls with the seller. But I still wanted to be sure. So I contacted the North Carolina Chapter of the VCCA to find someone who could put eyes on the Chevy. The result: I was told NOT to buy the car as it was not truthfully represented. Chalk up another for the VCCA.

Paul Parnes, former Region 11 Director, took me up to where the car was and we put it on his trailer for the trip back to Queens.
I happened to be in the Albany area visiting a High School friend. When he heard my story, remarkably he told me that his neighbor was selling a 1960 Bel Air sedan. Fate handed me the car that I bought after my own inspection.
Next up in my VCCA connection: Paul Parnes, former Region 11 Director, took me up to where the car was and we put it on his trailer for the trip back to Queens.

Sebastian D’Agostino, Chapter President, and other club members pointed me to shops where work could be done. A lot of work was done at Cap-A-Radiator and AMAP Collision in Farmingdale, and Don’s East Coast Restorations.
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